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The programme will be structured around two of SGSAH’s strategic themes and priority areas the Environmental Humanities and Creative Industries/Economies, with a focus on climate emergency themes, the interventions of the arts and cultural sector, and the legacy of COP26, held in Glasgow in 2021. The principles of this programme build on SGSAH’s Internationalisation ambitions and actions, align with SGSAH’s GREEN/GRADUATE Strategy and Operational Plan, and with the British Council’s Climate Connections legacy programme. The programme will create research opportunities and international mobility which will develop and support new approaches to address the global challenge of climate crisis, and support sustainable research and cultural interchanges within and beyond the arts and, humanities and cultural sectors. The overall aim of the programme is to promote the role and interventions of the environmental arts and humanities, and the arts and cultural sector, in addressing the climate emergency, and their capacity for interdisciplinary research within STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) contexts. The British Council Scotland SGSAH EARTH Scholarships is a programme run by SGSAH with funding from the British Council to enable international research collaborations between PhD and Early Career Researchers and Scottish HEIs and Scotland-based academic mentors, and external organisations, thematically focused on environmental arts and humanities and their interdisciplinary connections. British Council Scotland SGSAH EARTH Scholarships 2023

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